Program Updates!

Our Foster Leaders are working hard alongside staff across our programs; Community Board, College Ambassadors, LGBTQ2S+ Leaders, and our upcoming Fellowship. We'd like to take a moment to highlight the issues Fosters have prioritized in each of these spaces. Keep reading to find out what we've been up to over the last few months!

Our Community Board guides everything that we do, and we are so grateful for their leadership! In the past 4 months, they have vetted a handful of policy proposals, and helped us launch our 2022 Legislative Agenda. Our next advocacy project will be..
Fostering Education is up and running! We are working with 10 Fosters on future planning, focusing on educational goals. Our 5 College Ambassadors are leading the way in building a college network for Fosters in MN, designing virtual sessions to..

Legislative Update: We've met the deadline for all three bills! What's next?


Standing with trans youth and their families