Standing with trans youth and their families

Two weeks ago, Texas issued an anti-family directive to their state Department of Family and Protective Services, ordering child abuse investigations of families that provide medically-sound, gender-affirming health care. While this is just one of the forms that attacks on transgender, LGBQ+, and Two-spirit youth have taken in recent years, it is especially concerning in the way that this directive criminalizes loving and supportive families.

No matter where you live–affirming children’s gender is good parenting. The Texas directive is abusing children and harming families by stripping children of love and support, and causing trauma. This will have lasting damage for all of us. While this directive is being challenged in court, the threat for youth in Texas and across the county has deep and immediate safety and mental health impacts.

Foster Advocates stands firmly with organizations like the ACLU, Lamda Legal, and the National Association of Social Workers in opposition to this directive. We applaud the Federal Children’s Bureau for confirming that providing gender-affirming medical care is in the best interest of youth who need it. Their memo confirms that child welfare agencies receiving federal funds must provide the best services and supports to LGBTQ+ youth at risk of entering or in foster care, supporting their individual needs related to sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. 

Since November, we’ve been working with LGBTQ+ and Two-spirit Fosters to explore current challenges and possible solutions to better serve LGBTQ2S+ Fosters across Minnesota. Leaders have directed Foster Advocates on multiple advocacy goals and are working on two projects this spring. First is a photovoice gallery for a safe and accepting way for LGBTQ2S+ Foster voices to be heard (collecting submissions now! See submission details here). The second is creating “Know Your Rights” materials related to being queer while in foster care. We are working in partnership with local law experts—stay tuned in April for updates. 

Please join us in protecting trans youth and their families by voicing your opposition to the Texas law and opposing any attempts to cause similar harm in Minnesota. 

In solidarity,

Hoang Murphy

Executive Director 


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