Balance: Supporting Urgency AND Celebration

At the end of our inaugural Fellowship cohort this year, Dezarae, one of our Fellows, reflected:

I want to change the world, and I want to know the behind-the-scenes of how to do that and not burn out. In the Fellowship, I was able to be my full self and have the support and learning space for how to hold myself emotionally and professionally. This is the background for me to be a stronger leader.


I love this quote, because it highlights the importance of our next value, which your gifts support: 

Balance is often viewed as a goal rather than the continuous process that it needs to be. Since beginning my work with Foster Advocates, something that has stuck with me is that “you can’t support this work without supporting and taking care of yourself.” I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on what this means to me and how it shows up in our team.

It’s giving attention and time to the issues we need to work on but knowing when to take a break and come back to it when we have the energy to tackle the problem. 

It’s sharing pet photos, taking time to check in with the team before meetings, and recognizing when we show up for work, we are showing up as our whole selves.

It’s recognizing that we can create an environment where urgency and celebration can, and do, co-exist. 

When we act from our values, we feel good. And that’s part of being in balance. The same goes for giving from our valuesit feels good. Whether it’s $5 or $5,000, it’s about what feels deeply important and meaningful to you. 

Long-term advocacy work is a relay, not a race. At Foster Advocates, we are committed to finding balance within our work to continue to show up for Fosters with the attention, energy, and focus they deserve. 

In Dedication,


Communications & Outreach Coordinator


Bold Dreams


Acting from our Values: Agency