Cultivating community and advocacy are inherently intertwined
We advocate for state and county legislative, policy, and practice reform to improve experiences and outcomes with Minnesota Fosters.
We work collectively with the experts on the foster care system: Fosters. Our community is at the center when it comes to problem identification, solution generation, and prioritization. Issues that arise from our research and relationships with Foster leaders across the state are brought to our Community Board, who ultimately approve our annual legislative agenda.
Lived experience is expertise.
Better partnership. Better outcomes.
In response to various crises facing Minnesotans, we saw the need for more collaboration to take on bigger challenges. We regularly build connections, share knowledge, and leverage our collective power for greater systems change.
For individuals who want to get involved, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information on reform work and action opportunities.